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Friday, November 26, 2010

Eucratidea ? (Ai Khanum), Afghanistan

Possibly, the old capital city of king Eucratides (if it wasn't the city of Bactria itself). His kingdom was Bactria, the part of Afghanistan to the north of Hindu Kush.
This coin is 58 mm across, the largest gold coin of antiquity, issued by Eucratides to celebrate his victory over his rival king Demetrios the 1st, also known as the King of India. It weighs 172 grams! This particular copy was discovered in Buskhara, Uzbekistan and was acquired by Napoleon the 3rd.

Badakhshan - Balaskia, Afghanistan

Name of NE province. Corrupted name from "Balaskia", the ancient Greek name. It means a vault. This part of the country is extremely rich in gemstones, especially Lapis Lazuli, which has been mined for 7,000 years. It is also the prime location for "balas ruby".

Porphyry mines, Myos Hormos, Egypt

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chile's 2010 earthquake ( 3.34 a.m., Feb.27, 8.8 moment magnitude

tidal bore- surfers

landslide Uganda

U.K. winter 2010

wave cave - Uluru

Mundrabilla meteorite

tillite, Flinders

Hartley 2 nucleus

Boissevain crop circle 2003

Tillya Tepe, Afghanistan

King Eucratides of Bactria

Ashern geology class

Apollo's temple at Delphi : the oracle

"expulsion cavities", St. Martin's meteorite crater

shatter cones, St. Martin's meteorite crater

the "umbrella" texture in meteorite crater

inside an Archean-age mountain: Granite intruding through folded metamorphic rocks

conglomerate - Manitoba

gold nugget-Sydney museum

Australian meteorites

Lady Diana's room-The Gap

filothei 1934